jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Configuring Subversion (SVN) in Websphere Integration Developer (WID) 6.2

I just followed the steps for installing Subversion support in Eclipse Ganymede (3.4) which is the underlying Eclipse which Websphere Integration Developer (WID) 6.2 is based on.

SVN Team Provider:
  • Help ▶ Software Updates ▶  OK ▶ Available Software ▶ Add Site ▶ http://download.eclipse.org/technology/subversive/0.7/update-site/ ▶ OK ▶ Expand "Subversive Site" ▶ Check Subversive SVN Team Provider Plugin (Incubation) ▶ Install ▶ ... ▶ Restart Eclipse
 SVN Connector:
  • Help ▶ Software Updates ▶ OK ▶ Available Software ▶ Add Site ▶ http://www.polarion.org/projects/subversive/download/eclipse/2.0/update-site/ ▶ OK ▶ Expand "http://www.polarion.org/projects/subversive/download/eclipse/2.0/update-site/" ▶ Check SVNKit 1.3.5 Implementation (Optional) ▶ Install ▶ ... ▶ Restart Eclipse
Now you can open SVN Repository Exploring Perspective and add repositories.

See also Configuring Subversion (SVN) in IBM Integration Designer (IID, formerly WID) 8.

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Tutorial de consumo de servicios Web desde Bonita Open Solution (BPM)

Video que explica como consumir servicios Web desde Bonita Open Solution (la herramienta BPM de Bonitasoft).

Binding SOAP: "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/"

Ejemplo análisis respuesta usando DOM:

import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
def output = (DOMSource) response

(In this video I explain how to consume a Web Service from a business process implemented in Bonita Open Solution -Bonitasoft BPM-)

jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012

HL7 with HAPI: OBX-5 is valued, but OBX-2 is not

Exception: ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception: OBX-5 is valued, but OBX-2 is not.  A datatype for OBX-5 must be specified using OBX-2. See JavaDoc for Varies#fixOBX5(Segment, ModelClassFactory)

Look at the HL7 message you're trying to parse. OBX-2 makes reference to the second field (you have to count the "first" "OBX" field as 0). OBX-5 makes reference to the fifth field.


The specification says that the data type for the OBX-5 value is variable and not known until run time. For that reason, that data type is specified in the OBX-2 value. In conclusion, if you set a value in the OBX-5 field, you must specify its data type in the OBX-2 field. For example, the following OBX line is wrong:


But the following is OK:


If you want to bypass this kind of cases, the HAPI API provides some system properties that let you specify a default value for OBX-2 in case it is empty or with a wrong value:

System.setProperty(Varies.INVALID_OBX2_TYPE_PROP, "ST");


System.setProperty(Varies.DEFAULT_OBX2_TYPE_PROP, "ST");

Reference: http://hl7api.sourceforge.net/xref/ca/uhn/hl7v2/examples/ParseInvalidObx2Values.html

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

Change Websphere Integration Developer (WID) language to English

By default, Websphere Integration Developer UI language is determined by the computer locale. My OS is installed and configured to use Spanish, but I prefer to use the development tools in English (error messages, tutorials, etc.)

To force WID to use English, add the following line

-nl en_US

to  WID_INSTALLATION_PATH\wid.ini (for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\WID62\wid.ini)