lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Configuring Subversion (SVN) in IBM Integration Designer (IID, formerly WID) 8

I just used the "normal" steps I'd use for installing Subversion support in Eclipse Helios (3.6) which is the underlying Eclipse which Websphere Integration Developer (WID) 8 is based on.

SVN Team Provider:
  • Help  Install new software  Available software sites ▶ ▶ Work with  Helios  type filter text: svn  check: Subversive SVN Team Provider  Next  Next ▶ Accept, Finish ▶ Restart Now
SVN Connector:
  • Open perspectve  Other  SVN Repository Exploring  "Subversive Connector Discovery" should automatically appear  SVN Kit 1.3.5  Finish  Next...  Finish ...  Warning: OK  Restart Now
Now you can open SVN Repository Exploring Perspective and start adding repositories.

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