miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

Blackberry Curve 8250 + Gmail without filtered and archived messages

I was given a Blackberry Curve 8520 from my employer (ouch :-( ). I configured my Gmail account using the wizard (which supposedly now is using the "enhanced plug-in"), which only ask you for Username and Password.

In my Gmail account I receive lots of email and I have several filters; the mayority of them apply a label to the message and "archive" the message (Skip the Inbox). I don't want to receive those last messages in my Blackberry but I couldn't find a way to do it. I guess it's related to the IMAP usage of the Blackberry. Moreover, I had visual notificacitions for those archived messages but they didn't appear in the corresponding mailbox but did appear in the main general mailbox. I just want to receive the messages that I see in my Inbox in the Web.

What I did was delete the previously created Gmail accounts and create others with the following procedure:
  • Setup → Email settings → Add → Other
  • In E-mail address put a wrong address...for example xxx@ggggmail.com (I couldn't find a way to directly enter manually the mail settings)
  • In password enter whatever you want
  • Press Next. You'll see an error. Now you have the option to "provide the settings"...follow this link
    • Email type: POP/IMAP
    • Email address: correct the prevously entered address with your real Gmail adress (can be an Gmail Apps or for your domain adress)
    • Password: your real password
    • Email server: pop.gmail.com
    • Username: the same Email Address

I guess this way I'll lost some functionality of the enhanced plug-in or IMAP protocol, but I just need the basic funcionality of receiving the most important mails (my inbox).

You have to enable POP in your Gmail settings.

UPDATE: I have just seen the Manage Labes section in Gmail, has options to show or not labels in IMAP, so I'll try IMAP again.

UPDATE: trying IMAP was a pain. At first try, it failed to configure saying I had to activate IMAP to "All Mail". I did it and I ended up receiving all the email I automatically archived through filters, which I didn't want to see in my Inbox. It seems that even if I manually configure IMAP, it ends using the Enhanced Gmail Plugin which mess up everithing.

UPDATE: I'll try removing the Enhanced Gmail Plugin using CrackUtil.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hi I found your blog and have the same issue with my gmail on my blackberry. did you ever find a resolution?


Esteban dijo...

No, I didn't find a solution :(

Unknown dijo...

I had the same technical problem the first time I used my Blackberry. But I figured it out. I specified which email messages I want forwarded to my Blackberry and which will remain in the email app on my computer. I chose which email message filters should be applied first by placing them on top of the list. This applied to the same email message from the multiple email message filters I created. Blackberry is much easier to use than it seems. Just practice navigating through the device, and you’ll discover the wonders of it.

Kelly Brueggemann

Dustin Armstead dijo...

One solution I found useful with that problem is that I used a web browser from my computer and connected it to my BlackBerry. Then I did what you did with the step for the wrong email and password. After that, in the ‘Email Server:’ field, I entered ‘imap.gmail.com.’ That’s all I did, and mine works perfectly. Just don’t forget to make sure the port is set to ‘993’ and ‘Use SSL’ is set to ‘Yes.’